Category: Banerjee & Duflo: 14.73 (Challenge of World Poverty)

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Banerjee & Duflo: 14.73 Lecture 11 — Education: The Man Made Trap

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Prof. Abhijit Banerjee discusses the perceived returns of education and highlights various studies done on the subject. Recorded 2011.

Banerjee & Duflo: 14.73 Lecture 17 — The (Not So Simple) Economics of Lending to the Poor

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Prof. Esther Duflo covers credit and lending to the world's poor. Recorded 2011.

Banerjee & Duflo: 14.73 Lecture 12 — (Somewhat) Un-Orthodox Findings on the Family

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Prof. Esther Duflo discusses what drives fertility decisions. Topics include family planning, population growth, quality-quantity trade off, and China's one-child policy, among other topics. Recorded 2011.  

Banerjee & Duflo: 14.73 Lecture 26 — Five Thoughts in Place of a Sweeping Conclusion

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Five Thoughts in Place of a Sweeping Conclusion. Prof. Abhijit Banerjee provides some final thoughts to conclude the course on the challenges of world poverty. Recorded 2011.

Banerjee & Duflo: 14.73 Lecture 03 — Social Experiments: Why and How?

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In this lecture, Prof. Esther Duflo talks about social experiments done to understand what interventions work best to mitigate world poverty. Recorded 2011.

Banerjee & Duflo: 14.73 Lecture 16 — Insurance

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Prof. Abhijit Banerjee's lecture covers risk and insurance for the world's poor. Recorded 2011.

Banerjee & Duflo: 14.73 Lecture 08 — Health: Low Hanging Fruit?

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Prof. Esther Duflo discusses some of the most effective and cheapest ways to promote good health, such as bednets, immunization, and breast feeding. Recorded 2011.

Banerjee & Duflo: 14.73 Lecture 19 — The Promise and Perils of Microfinance

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Prof. Abhijit Banerjee discusses the topic of pros and cons of microfinance for the poor. Recorded 2011.

Banerjee & Duflo: 14.73 Lecture 21 — Savings Part 2

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Prof. Abhijit Banerjee's lecture covers experiments conducted to understand savings and borrowing in Kenya and the Phillippines. Recorded 2011.

Banerjee & Duflo: 14.73 Lecture 01 — Introduction

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Prof. Abhijit Banerjee provides an introduction to the study of global poverty. The class dicusses the challenges of world poverty. Recorded 2011.

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